Sheriff Scott Jenkins Presents:

Where is Deadwood Trail?
Deadwood Trail is located at 8367 Sperryville Pike, Culpeper, Virginia 22701
Directions from Town of Culpeper: Sperryville Pike (Rt. 522 North) 6 miles to 8367 Sperryville Pike, 1 mile past Salem Volunteer Fire Department on the right.
How much are tickets?
Admission to Deadwood Trail: $10 each
NEW THIS YEAR: Admission to the grounds only, to enjoy the bonfire, food vendors, and fun: $2 each
Who does it benefit?
All proceeds benefit the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office Santa Cop program.
Is there parking on site? How much does it cost?
There is ample free parking on site.
What are recommended age ranges?
Deadwood Trail is designed to scare each and every person that has the courage to walk it. While it is for entertainment purposes only, you will experience intense audio and lighting, extreme low visibility, strobe lights, fog, damp or wet conditions, a physically demanding environment, and intense fear. We ask that each parent or guardian set appropriate limits for their own child, as the person that knows that child best.
What should I wear?
FOR YOUR SAFETY wear appropriate clothing for the weather and walking shoes.
What is NOT allowed?
DO NOT ENTER if you are intoxicated or under the influence of any drugs.
DO NOT TOUCH actors, customers, or props while on the trail.
NO smoking, eating, or drinking while on the trail.
NO video, photography, or flashlights permitted.
LEAVE all personal belongings secured in your vehicle or at home.
Anything else?
Deadwood Trail Haunted Forest, Culpeper County Sheriff's Office, and Culpeper Sheriff's Charitable Fund, Inc. reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone. You will experience intense audio and lighting, extreme low visibility, strobe lights, fog, damp or wet conditions and a physically demanding environment. You should not participate if you are pregnant, have claustrophobia, are prone to seizures, or have heart or respiratory problems. You will not be admitted if you appear intoxicated or are wearing any form of temporary cast, medical brace or crutches. NO photography or videography allowed.
Your ticket is a revocable license and may be taken and admission refused upon refund of purchase price. Ticket holders understand that there are inherent risks involved with attending Deadwood Trail Haunted Forest. Holder voluntarily assumes all risks and damages associated with participation in Deadwood Trail Haunted Forest. In consideration and acceptance of entrance into Deadwood Trail Haunted Forest, holder agrees to release and hold harmless operator, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and landowner from any liability, harm, injury, or death, cost, or expense whatsoever that may arise directly or indirectly from attending Deadwood Trail Haunted Forest or any activity associated with this location.